How to build a triad on the piano and write it notes?
So, today we will figure out how to build a triad on note paper or on the instrument. But to begin with, let us repeat a little, what is this triad in music? Since childhood, since studying at a music school, I remember this verse: "Three sounds, some consonance is the perfect triad."
Simple chords for piano from black keys
Continuing the conversation about how to play the chords on the piano, let's move the piano chords from the black keys. I remind you that in our field of attention the simplest chords are the major and minor triad. Applying even only one triad can "decently" harmonize almost any melody, any song.
American music
Jason Derulo: biography, best songs, interesting facts
Jason Derulo (Jason Derulo) He had done so much by his thirty years that it seems incredible. Winner of prestigious awards, dancer, singer, author of super-popular songs, judge of prestigious television shows - today Jason occupies a worthy place on the musical Olympus, is among the ten most famous performers of pop hip-hop music.
Bruno Mars: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen
Bruno Mars Bruno Mars is a talented singer, composer and just handsome, is now at the peak of popularity, his hits take the first lines, they are played on TV, radio, in clubs, they can be heard from the windows of houses and on the street from singing youth. The singer can be called a lucky man, who himself was destined to have a career as a musician.
Musicians for the holiday. Ensembles of old, classical and jazz music.
Volkonsky Consort to order musicians "Music Brass" musicians for a holiday SEMPER MUSICA to order a concert la-campanella theater of early music Ando music trio for a holiday Jazz-kvintet Edelweiss jazz music and positive emotions.
Jazz quintet "Edelweiss"
Angelika Markova (vocal) - Winner of the international jazz competition, participant of jazz festivals (Arkhangelsk, Samara, etc.), graduate of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinyh. Lecturer of the RATI-GITIS (Estrada faculty, courses Garkalina V., Schukina A., Borisova M., Shanina E., Vasilyeva Y.) Permanent soloist of the group "Edelweiss".
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How to develop a sense of rhythm of the child and the adult?
Rhythms accompany us everywhere. It is difficult to imagine an area wherever a person comes across a rhythm. Scientists have long proved that even in the womb of the mother the rhythm of her heart calms and lulls the child. So, when does a person start feeling the rhythm? It turns out, even before the birth! If the development of a sense of rhythm was considered from the point of view of the development of a feeling that a person was always endowed with, then people would have much less complexes and theories of their “rhythmic” insolvency.