Promotion of the musical group: 5 steps to fame

Very often groups gather only from the desire to simply play their favorite songs together with someone. But if your dreams are much more ambitious, then to achieve them you will need a specific plan of action.

However, it is not necessary to be intimidated in advance by exhausting schedules and high monetary expenses, because the initial promotion of a musical group does not require this at all. Five steps that everyone can take can lead you and your group to vocation and popularity, including world-class ones.

Step one (and most important): material time

In order to find fans, speak at the venues, make the whole Internet talk about yourself, and then the world ... you just need to start creating. And a lot with passion.

You do not need to be afraid of your own imperfections. After all, it has long been proven that in music the amount of time and effort spent always grows into quality. Experience and skill will come precisely in the process of creating the first masterpieces.

Step Two: Speech

Immediately, "Olympic" no one collected. But there are a lot of other venues that will happily open their doors to newcomers, and they should be actively used in the promotion of a musical group. Performances in your favorite school or on the Day of the Student at the institute will give the right to apply for something more, but most importantly - the first fans and recognition will be found there.

It is better if another, more prestigious one immediately follows a concert venue. Therefore, performances at city festivals should be required. There are also various thematic festivals and biker rallies that are happy to take on the "warming up" of young performers. But to perform at events of this level often require good quality demo recordings. How to make them, let's talk in the third paragraph.

Step Three: First Record and First Clip

Unfortunately, many talented groups stop at the second step. And the reasons for their stopping are fear and lack of money. But if everything is clear with fear, does it really require a lot of money to shoot the first video or record a song in the studio?

It is worth knowing that absolutely free to make high-quality audio recording will not work. No, of course, you can try to record music tracks yourself (there would be a desire and equipment), but without a professional sound engineer it is very difficult to get the desired result in the end. Therefore, the rule that the miser pays twice, is also relevant here.

Again, at this stage, the promotion of a musical group does not need a full-fledged studio album. For a great start, 3-5 recorded songs are enough. In an ordinary professional recording studio the cost of one song will be from 1000 rubles.

And already after you have the coveted disc in your hands, you can start making a video clip. To do this, consider the following:

  • entourage,
  • image of musicians
  • plot of the clip,
  • sound accompaniment.

And if the plot can still be absent, the image will depend on the chosen style (or, as a rule, it has already formed on the performances), high-quality sound is available, then the problem with the entourage can be solved for a very long time.

However, there are several options that always find a favorable response among fans - this is a video setting on the open nature, the road track or in the ruins of a building. Another plus is that nothing needs to be made out on purpose. But you should always remember about the safety rules.

Step Four: promotion through social networks

If you are doing everything right, then you already have support groups in social networks created by fans. And if this is not yet, then for the promotion of a musical group they need to be urgently created.

And let the most devoted fan along with his assistants diligently gaining an audience through VKontakte, YouTube and Twitter. It is these three popular networks that make it possible to implement the fourth point of the plan absolutely free and as efficiently as possible.

Do you need to spam with invitations or spend money on those who have a few thousand friends as friends? Let everyone decide for himself. But to post recorded audio and video, update regularly the recordings on the pages, put new pictures on the walls, unsubscribe in the comments to the topics relating to the creativity of your group, and you should definitely communicate with your fans.

Step Five: Search for Sponsors

Perhaps this stage can not be predicted in advance. After all, here the result depends on the case. Again, deafening success can come without help, and then the sponsor will not be needed at all.

But if a sponsor is needed, then it is better to look for it among the organizers of events and festivals in which you will perform. And if your group is really talented and ambitious, then the question of sponsorship can be solved by itself.

The implementation of these recommendations is not a guarantee of one hundred percent success, but following them will definitely lead to positive results.

The author - Marina Mizerak

Watch the video: Music Promotion - Dangers Of Facebook Groups (October 2024).

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